Our collections

Vos questions

How to choose your size ?

To choose the size that suits you, we invite you to take your measurements and refer to the size guide available on each product sheet. If you don't have the ability to measure yourself, we also offer a conversion guide.

How to maintain Hartford items?

We encourage you to read the care instructions available on each product sheet before washing your Hartford clothing.

Some classic reminders:

  • Organize your laundry into groups with the same washing and care instructions and separate whites, dark colors and other colors.
  • The washing temperature on the care label is the maximum temperature allowed. But if you're not sure, always wash at a lower temperature rather than higher.
  • Do not use a dryer to dry clothes unless instructed to do so on the care label.
  • Rinse swimsuits immediately after use and do not wring them.
  • Turn the garment inside out before washing.

Can a sold out item be restocked?

We are currently unable to inform you if an item will be available again. However, we offer our customers the possibility of being notified in the event of a restocking of an item initially sold out: on the product page, simply click on the grayed size (out of stock) and click on "Notify me when the item is sold out". "Item is back".

I saw a product, but I can't find it on the site?

Unfortunately not all of our items are necessarily for sale on our eshop.

If you cannot find the product you want: send an email to contact@hartford.fr , remembering to mention the reference and a description of the product (color, size, print, etc.). We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible to tell you where to find it.

Any question ? Contact us !

+ 33 1 58 39 39 86
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